The Elkhart County health department and government officials recently instituted a mandate that all persons wear a face mask at all times when social distancing is not possible. This requirement applies to public and private settings.The elders and staff of LifeSpring believe it is important for us as a church to follow our government’s guidelines and cooperate with this mandate, and we are kindly asking that those attending our service on Sundays wear face masks. Young children will not be expected to wear a mask, but we will ask that you keep your children with you while in the building. (Currently, no children’s church or childcare is offered, but kids will enjoy a children’s feature during the worship service.)
We ask that you wear your face mask upon entering the building and during all social times. Masks are not required while people are observing appropriate social distance of 6 feet from non-family members, such as when seated during the service.
We want to continue corporate Sunday morning services for those who desire to gather, and we believe this is a way to do so while also complying with our governmental authorities. There is great value in worshiping together as a body, even when circumstances seem less than ideal. Please prayerfully consider what is best for you and your family, and join us either at the LifeSpring building, or online as we Live-stream.
Blessings to you, the LifeSpring Elder team