Our Vision
We’re a community of believers with a vision to grow in fullness of life in Jesus–both individually and as a loving community that overflows in compassion to the heart of Goshen and to the world.
Gal. 5:22-23, 1 Cor. 13, 1 John 4:16
We’re led by a pastor and team of elders who are prayerfully selected as servant-leaders. An Apostolic Oversight Team of individuals with pastoral, mission and coaching experience provides regular encouragement, support, counsel and accountability to our leaders and congregation.
LifeSpring began in the late 1970’s as a group of college students hungry for God and for God’s best–prayer, Bible study, Holy Spirit power and authentic relationships. Restoring broken lives, empowering people to use their God-given spiritual gifts, and extending the life and message of Jesus both locally and globally are the core values we’re still about today. Most importantly, we find that God’s gifts and grace work through each person among us, and the vibrancy of the church is based on this “life spring” of the Spirit flowing out of each of us.
John 7:37-39
Preaching Team
From Left to Right: Jim Hoogenboom, Fernando Marroquin,& Kevin Beck