The Power of Praise, by Tom Kirk

The Power of Praise – Tom Kirk

Our world is currently looking and feeling very different right now.  But let me just say that each of our experiences can take on a whole new perspective when we look at it through eyes of praise.  My life and yours take on a different perspective when we see them through a thankful, grateful, praising heart.  Praise has the power to transform what my circumstances look like.  It may not change my circumstances, but it will change what they look like.

The truth is, learning to praise the Lord will always provide stability and sanity in the midst of the normal every day pressures of life.  The even bigger truth is that when we start to see all things through eyes of praise, everything begins to look different.  The reason life takes on a different perspective is because we’re striving to see it from God’s point of view.  We discover that God is bigger, greater and more real than any circumstance we may be facing at that moment.

Praise is one of the most important disciplines in the Christian life, intended to be an everyday lifestyle. The command to “Praise the Lord” is one of the most frequently repeated commands in all of God’s Word.

When someone says to me; “How are you doing?”  My typical outward response is usually, “I’m fine”.  But internally I may be thinking, oh, there’s so much going on. I don’t have time to do everything I need to do; I don’t even know what I should be doing. I feel scared and frazzled.  When I truly listen to myself, however, I realize I’m often thinking only of myself and my circumstances rather than casting the spotlight on the Lord and His greatness.  Even as social distancing and personal lock downs have become part of everyday life these last few weeks, when it seems I would or should have all the time in the world to do whatever I want or need to do—I still need to be focusing on and evaluate the time I spend praising the Lord.  Why?  Because it’s a habit I need to learn and cultivate.  I think that as we learn to truly praise the Lord, it becomes a key to experiencing the reality of God’s presence in our lives.

If you think about it, praise is really at the heart of why God made us.  It’s at the heart of why we exist.  Scripture teaches us that God loves praise and that God is actively looking for worshipers.  Jesus said, “The Father is seeking those who will worship Him in spirit and in truth”.

We all feel the stress of these present days, but may we still express and feel with our mind and heart—Lord, how I praise You and worship You for the hope that is ours.  We live in a fallen, messed-up world.  We feel the ravages of sin around us.  We face challenging circumstances for which it seems that there are no solutions.  Yet, Your Word says You will perfect that which concerns us. So, Lord, we have hope!

We have the hope of heaven, the hope of eternal life, the hope of an eternity spent in Your presence, where forever we will join with the angels of heaven saying, “Blessing and honor, glory and power, riches and wisdom and strength be unto You Who sits at the right hand of God” (Rev. 5:12-13).  That is the power of praise that sustains us.

We praise and worship you, O Lord!!


 – Tom Kirk 

2 Replies to “The Power of Praise, by Tom Kirk”

  1. Amen Praise is a weapon against the Fear of the Enemy. In ancient Israel, they were not to battle without the praise team going with them. We can not battle without praise. When we praise in midst of the storm it activates faith in Him.

  2. YES! Thanks for sharing this reminder with us Tom. Praising God really does change our perspective. We love and miss you brother.

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